Shop no 4, Ground floor, Royal Imperia Building, 16, Parmar Guruji Marg, Parel, Mumbai - 400012
Appointment: ‎+91 91361 57344

Pediatric Dentistry

We, at Dental Recharge, understand that children have a different perspective towards dentistry compared to adults. Thus, we analyse their dental needs and work towards providing the best dental care.

Treatments provided are as follows:

Cavity Fillings

A tooth or teeth that have developed small decay or holes due to caries, are filled up to prevent further damage.

Pulp Therapy

Deciduous/Milk teeth lay the foundation for the permanent teeth. If a milk tooth has a big cavity because of which the nerve is infected, it requires pulp therapy (pulpotomy/pulpectomy).


After your child’s tooth has undergone procedures like pulpotomy or pulpectomy, it is necessary to restore the strength of the tooth with metal caps for posterior teeth and strip crowns for anterior teeth.

Extraction And Space Maintenance

We believe in saving natural teeth. Thus, extraction is our last option in the treatment plan but, if the child loses a tooth/teeth due to some unavoidable condition, it is important for us to maintain the space previously occupied by the lost tooth/teeth and guide the newly erupting permanent tooth/teeth in their precise positions and avoid crowding.

Fluoride Treatment

It involves the application of a thin coat of fluoride either in the form of a varnish or a gel, which allows and facilitates the remineralisation of demineralised enamel, thus fortifying the tooth against decay.

Pit and Fissure Sealants

Sealant is a clear or tooth coloured resin material flowed into the pits and fissures of posterior (back) teeth. This coating forms a protective shield that prevents food and plaque from getting lodged into the tiny pits and grooves on the tooth surface, thus reducing the risk of decay.

Preventive and Interceptive Orthodontics

Timely intervention during childhood can prevent or intercept the full blown manifestation of malocclusion. Use of habit breaking appliances can help correct habits like mouth breathing, thumb sucking, lip biting, tongue thrusting etc. which can have deleterious effects on your child’s dentition and facial appearance.

Diet Counselling

A child needs to be taught the importance of a healthy diet, and the detrimental effects of unhealthy, junk food on their teeth and general health. A well timed diet counselling session can go a long way in changing his food habits for the better and thus, help keep his teeth healthy.

Our Other Services

Opening Hours

Mon - Sat (Mor)
10.00AM - 01.00PM
Mon - Sat (Eve)
05.00PM - 08.00PM